WordPress plugin DW Question and Answer
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Such a busy week at DesignWall. After the release of 2 absolutely stunning themes: free WordPress theme DW Timeline and eCommerce WordPress theme DW Trendy, let’s have the spotlight on our favourite WordPress plugin: DW Question & Answer – updated version release.

Keep walking. Keep coding

Keeping up the good work with DW Question and Answer plugin, we now release an updated version 1.1.1 for this plugin. This version contains bug fixes and improvements along with a new feature: Captcha system.
WordPress plugin DW Question and Answer

Spam-free with Captcha system

Since we open the option for anonymous answers and comments, there is also a raising issue with it: spam.

We have received quite a number of feedback regarding to this issue, and a need for Captcha system is certain. Answer to that, in this updated version of the plugin, we have supported a captcha system using free service reCAPTCHA from Google.

DW Question and Answer plugin with captcha
Captcha system from reCAPTCHA service

reCAPTCHA is a free captcha service and to our knowledge this is a powerful system. You can read more about this service and its capability at its website.

The settings for Captcha is simple, all you need to do is to sign up for reCAPTCHA service (free) and get the Keys for the setting. Don’t worry, we already prepare here a detailed guideline on setting up this captcha system.

Now you relax and enjoy a spam-free Q&A system.

Sidebar is back with supported widgets

What happened in the previous version 1.1.0 of DW Question and Answer plugin was that we have removed the sidebar along with plugin widgets entirely. Turned out it was a risky move. We have received feedback from our users that they wished to have the sidebar back and along with “Popular questions” and “Related questions”.

We have discussed about it and decided to bring back the sidebar in this version. Woohoo! Yes, the longing sidebar is now back in this version 1.1.1 of the plugin.

DW Question and Answer plugin for WordPress
The Sidebar is back for DW Question and Answer plugin

The difference is that, in this version, we support the default WordPress sidebar. This means it is up to you whether use or not use the sidebar. And because it’s the default WordPress sidebar, you can also freely use any widget that you want to.

About the “Popular questions” and “Related questions”, we have made them into Widgets so you can choose to have it or not. Simply drag and drop them into the sidebar and all things are set.

Extra email notification

We have added 3 extra emails to the email notification system, they are:

  • New Answer to followed question: this email is sent to question followers regarding to new answer posted
  • New Comment to Followed question: this email is sent to question followers regarding to new comment posted
  • New Comment to followed answer: this email is sent to an answer’s followers regarding to new comment posted

What’s new on this notification system is that we have re-styled the design in admin panel to make things look neat and clean.

Email notification for WordPress plugin DW Question and Answer

As you can see from the screenshot, instead of a long list of emails, we have applied tabs and each tab contain one email notification with clear titles. The design makes the setting area look cleaner and easier to manage.

[wpsharely id=”19227″]

Download v1.1.1 Now![/wpsharely]

Well! That’s pretty much it for this updated version. We will see you in the next release of the plugin, promising to have more cool stuff.

P.S: don’t forget to give review and rate our plugin on WordPress.org 😉

P.S.S: and if you have any idea or suggestion or any feature that you wish to have, feel free to leave us comments or be a contributor on Github

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Jin is Nanny at DesignWall, a leading WordPress development company which builds responsive WordPress themes and best WordPress plugins. She makes sure everyone is happy, every question is answered, every release is bug-free. She also blogs about our products and shares her WordPress knowledge with our readers. Jin is also a travel lover.