
Perfect Employee: a Quick Guide to Getting Hired

Is landing a good job difficult these days? Is there a way to stand out from the crowd of competitors? What to do to impress a hiring manager? Ah, so many questions on employment issues these days. Most likely you’ve come across the articles and posts online spilling the tea on some do’s and don’ts for job seekers. Now, let’s review a few quick tips that can help you become the person every recruiter wants to hire:

Create one of a kind resume

A recent research has proven most people these days have shorter attention span than goldfish. The same goes for HR managers, who spend approximately 6 seconds to review a candidate’s CV. Alas, if you think that people don’t care about resumes anymore, you’re dead wrong! And here’s why. A good old CV will never go out of fashion – the forms of presentation may really change, though. Here are just a few non-conventional CV examples that are in these days:

DW Resume WordPress theme by DesignWall has a wide range of functionality for building a full-blown portfolio and an impressive CV

Show excellent performance and engagement during an interview

A great resume is only a half of your success, the other half solely depends on how skillful a communicator you are. Perceiving your work/expertise as top-quality goods you’re selling at an appropriate price is the right attitude that will surely let you succeed in a job interview. So, to make it a success, you’ll need to:

Don’t forget about the follow-ups

Follow-ups have become a common decency. So, let’s break them down a bit:


As always, it’s been a pleasure to share some of the insights with you. Please, sound off in the comments below and feel free to add your own success stories or tips! Hopefully, this will be the year you’ll land your perfect job. Good luck!

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