asked 7 years ago

Dear Dominic and support team,
The way it is now, I am not really happy with the size of the author picture (below sharing option on post page), and with the lay-out of the author page when you click on the author name.

  1. how to make the author picture (gravatar) just a little bit bigger on the post page? (
  2. how to change the font on the author page (bigger) + add a photo of the author there? (

Hope you can help!

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Please send me your site URL for further checking. I will help you resolve this issue.

replied 7 years ago
replied 7 years ago

Dominic, can help me find out what I need to do to make these adjustments?

Dominic Staff
replied 7 years ago

1/ If you want to change the image size, you can use the following code:
.single #main .post .entry-sidebar .author-info .author-avatar img {
width: ..px;
height: …px;
.single #main .post .entry-sidebar .author-info .author-avatar {
border: none;

2/ You can use the following code:
.page-header span.vcard {
font-size: …px;
.page-header h1 {
font-size: …px;

If you want to add the author image, you can send me username & password of your site for further checking.

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