asked 10 years ago

Hi, i have try all solution found here and google :
-update permalink
-flush permalink
-change the single question permalink
But I still have 404 error when I going to single question. Can someone help me please ?
The only way i have found is to switch to Default (ugly) permalink but it’s not a solution for me.
Thx you a lot for all you done !

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

Maybe someone will be helped by this solution.After hours of searching i have found a solution based on this post
In dw-question-answer.php
add “flush_rewrite_rules();”
after this line :

register_post_type( 'dwqa-question', $question_args );Result :register_post_type( 'dwqa-question', $question_args );

it's ok now for me !
Dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

Hi, Awesome ! I I appreciate it.

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