have read quite a bit of topics about this, but no answers that works.
Hve change days and months in locale.php, but page stille uses english months…
$this->month[’01’] = /* translators: month name */ __(‘Januar’);
is January on the homepage.
Please refer document guide here:
Hope this helps !
Thanks – but i really cant find the right things to do… http://billundonline.dk/Months are displayed wrong, some text fiels im trying to translate i cant find, only in the po files, but no changes… all facebook social plugins etc, thinks the page are in english, and we realle need to be in danish 🙂
Please tell e detail about the position that you want to translate, please send me a screenshot. I will helps you translate it.
A couple of files is here:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/49606755/Picture0001.zip
Months are not in danish, January etc.FB social links – olso things the page are in english, and therefor displays everthings in english…Need a login ?
Did you have any time yet Dominic?
Hi there,
If you use Danish translation of wordpress.
To translate date in your site, you can do as the following:
Open file functions.php of dw-focus theme.
Find line 340
Replace the code
return date( get_option( 'date_format' ), $from );
return date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), $from );
Hope this help!
Thats the way 🙂 Thanks, its working!
– I have checked your image, I saw the facebook comment and facebook like section in your site is another plugin, please contact with author plugin to get best support.
– To translate the “Related posts” word, you can open the single.php file in the folder path “wp-content\themes\dw-focus”, then find the line 33.
– To translate date in your site, please refer answer of @cover provided.
Hope this helps !
Found it changed it, and all works.
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