Hi, I’ve installed DW Minion theme recently and now I need to add proper support of Russian language.
As I can see, this theme uses Roboto and Roboto slab. Both of them support Cyrillic and Cyrillic extended characters set. So, how can I make sure, that DW MInion uses Cyrillic (ext) set?
You can double check by accessing file main.css in the folder /wp-content/themes/dw-minion/inc/ . We import all the Fonts in there.
DW Minion supports all the character sets which Google Fonts support for these 2 fonts.
sorry for that.
What I’m trying to say here is that I don’t have such file in /wp-content/themes/dw-minion/inc/. Anyway, I’ve changed in “Visual editor stylesheet – editor-style.css” this: “@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,400italic,500,700&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext,cyrillic);
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Slab:700,400&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext,cyrillic);
@import url(assets/inc/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css);” sorry if I press “enter” – it will send message
just as I said 🙁 this form for reply is not good, you know
so. as I mentioned, I changed the css, but it seems to me that nothing has changed.
And one more thing. from my working computer my site looks strange: there’re “!” instead of spaces in the post headings. On my home computer and android tablet everything is OK, so I guess it is proxy we have in our company. But, I have no problems like that with every other themes I had, so maybe it can be fixed somehow?
Hi Evgeniy,
Sorry for our late reply, your question just got buried down.
To resolve the issue with the Google font in your site: you can double check by accessing file main.css in the folder wp-content\themes\dw-minion\assets\css . We import all the Fonts in there.
And regarding “!” symbol instead of spaces in the post headings, please send me your site for further checking.
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