Alberto Saavedra
asked 11 years ago

Hi guys!
I have WP 3.9.1 version and i´m using Avada theme 3.5
As you can see above, i have an issue with the login-box: size it is wrong. If you put the screen size of a mobile you could see that overlaps
I´m triying to resolve it using !important but isn´t work to me.
Could you help me, please?

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

To resolve this issue, below is our instruction:
Firstly, follow the jetpack’s guideline in the Blog article on how to use Edit CSS here.
Then add the code to the Edit Css.

.single-dwqa-question .login-box { width: 100%; }

Hope this helps !

Alberto Saavedra
replied 11 years ago

HI Dominic!
This work for me but when i see this page on my iphone the login box still overlaps my sidebar widget!
Could you help me?
Thank you!

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Right now, you can check your site. I have helped you resolve this issue.

Alberto Saavedra
replied 11 years ago

well done!!! Works like a charm!
Thank you Dominic!

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