Please i really love this team i wish i could creeate a register now page for non-registered member
If you want to create a signup page in your site, you can use the some plugin, you can find the plugin here:
Or if you want to create a page template in your site, we are ready to help you as a custom work with a charge of fee (about $20)
Thank you for the quick reply
what do you mean by custom work
If you want, I will help you create a page template and you can use the page template to display the SIGN UP PAGE.
what do you mean by custom work
Thanks guys for the quick reply you are the best
Please i downloaded theme my login plugin and i want to integrate it with dw question and answer
So that when they click on ask question they are taken to a login page once the email and password is accepted it takes the user to the ask question page
Please send me username & password of your site via email: [email protected], I will check and make the custom code.
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