Ursula Svegstrup
asked 9 years ago


I have been trying to find the answer to my questions on your page, but many of the questions and answers only lead to "Page could not be found".

Anyway, I have a lot of adjustments, I would like to the plugin. I really hope you can help.

How do I:

  • Remove all references to login (I don’t want anyone to login to ask a question). I have tried adding .dwqa-submit-question .question-signin span { display: none; } to the theme’s style.css but nothing happens. I have also tried deleting line 108-115 in template-functions.php, but nothing happened.

  • Remove Public/Private-view. It is not possible to ask private questions, so there is no need for visitors to be able to scroll between the two options.

  • Remove voting system

  • Remove various options of status on the Answer-page (resolved, answered,et.c.)

  • Remove "Staff" after editor’s name

Thank you.

3 Answers
answered 9 years ago


  • About this case, you can change the permission in the Dashboard > Q&A > Settings > Permission to allow all user can ask a question.
  • You can setting to user can not post a private question via setting of plugin.
    See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8t8h0h
    Also, you need add the following code to the style.css file to remove the private/public section from single question page.

    .dwqa-change-privacy {
    display: none;
  • To remove the Vote section, you can add the following code to the style.css file:

    .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-question .dwqa-stick-question { display: none; }
    .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-question .dwqa-vote { display: none; }
  • To remove the Status section, you can add the following code the style.css file:
    .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-question .dwqa-current-status { display: none;}

  • Add the following code to the style.css file to remove the Staff section:
    .dwqa-container .dwqa-label.dwqa-staff { display: none;}

If you still face there issue, please send me a screenshot for further checking.
Hope this helps !

Ursula Svegstrup
answered 9 years ago

Thank you so much for your help. Some of it worked!

I still have some issues that I hope you can fix.

For the single question page:
![enter image description here](http://www.kaninhaandbogen.dk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/single-question.jpg "enter image title here")

  • Next to the admin profile image it seems that there is still a voting system?
  • The public/private-function is not available any longer, now it just says public (offentlig). Can this be removed?
  • There is still a login option at the bottom, which should not be there, as no one can log in.

On the page where you can search for all previous questions and answers:
![enter image description here](http://www.kaninhaandbogen.dk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Search-all-answers2.jpg "enter image title here")

  • The status bar is still there.
  • The voting system is still visible (although not in working order)
  • Is it possible to remove the text after the author name? (the text that is supposedly to say when the question was asked). The text afterwards make no sense at all, and I have checked the translation file, and everything there looks good, but this is weird gibberish, so if it could just be removed that would be great.

Thank you 🙂

dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago
  • Remove the vote section you can add the following code to the style.css file:
    .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-answer .dwqa-vote { display: none; }
    .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-answer .dwqa-best-answer { display: none; }
  • Public/private functions:
    .dwqa-single-question .dwqa-answer .dwqa-privacy { display: none;}

  • Login option at the bottom.
    I think you have resolved this issue, I can not see this section any where in Q&A page.

  • Status bar:
    .dwqa-list-question .filter .status { display: none; }
    .dwqa-list-question .filter { padding: 34px 20px; }

  • If you only want to remove the Vote section on the question list page, you can add the following code to the style.css file:

    .dwqa-list-question .filter-bar .order .most-votes { display: none; }
    .dwqa-list-question .dwqa-vote { display: none; }
  • To remove the text after Author name, you can use the following code:
    .dwqa-list-question .dwqa-meta .dwqa-date { display: none; }

Hope this helps !

replied 9 years ago

Thank you very much 🙂

Ursula Svegstrup
answered 9 years ago

I just realised I cannot actually answer any questions. Nothing happens when I click submit.

replied 9 years ago

Sorry, there was my browser. After an hour all six tests were there.

dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

I have checked your site ad added a answer to change the submit button and it works fine.

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