Malagam Enost
asked 9 years ago

Hi there,

as already described by some other folks over at , the ‘Answered’ filter isn’t working, though there are definitely questions with answers. This happens on two different installs.

Is there a way to solve this, best in a way that does NOT include manually altering database tables as I don’t have access to one of them?

All the best


1 Answers
answered 9 years ago

At the moment, our plugin have some buggy about Filter section. I sent and notified our technical team about this problem. We will check and fix it in the next version.
You can try this to fix this problem. Open the inc/filter.php file, go to Line 400
in case replied you add this :

$args['meta_query'][] = array(
     'key' => '_dwqa_status',
     'value' => array( 'answered' ),
     'compare' => 'IN',

Hope this helps !

replied 9 years ago

Hi Dominic,
sorry for the late reply, just didn’t know there was an answer to my question.

Yes, that helps, thanks a lot. Will you incorporate that fix into the next version?

All the best


dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

Yes, we will fix and update it in the next version, my friend.

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