Although the "Answers" shows "1" (answered by a registered user), the question remains in an Unanswered state. Only when a question is answered by a non-registered user, does it indicate as "Answered" (the blue arrow).
Where can I change this that it always show an Answered indicator?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to do it other way round, only show on registered users answers?
Also, no "Answered" filter?
To resolve this issue, you can open the wp-content -> plugins -> dw-question-answer -> inc -> status.php
file and replace the line 354 to line 370 with the following code:
public function dwqa_auto_change_question_status( $answer_id ){
if ( ! is_wp_error( $answer_id ) ) {
$question_id = get_post_meta( $answer_id, '_question', true );
$answer = get_post( $answer_id );
if ( $question_id && $answer->post_author ) {
$question_status = get_post_meta( $question_id, '_dwqa_status', true );
if ( dwqa_current_user_can( 'post_answer' ) ) {
update_post_meta( $question_id, '_dwqa_status', 'answered' );
} else {
if ( $question_status == 'resolved' || $question_status == 'answered' ) {
update_post_meta( $question_id, '_dwqa_status', 'open' );
If you have any question or still face their issue, you can send me username & password for your site for further checking.
Hope this helps!
I think you added one too many closing curly braces in the code snippet.
So this will only change the status, when answering a question (current user can post_answer), right? It won’t update any other, already answered questions. I mean, it doesn’t change the way the status is displayed, only the way it is updated to Answered upon answering. I mean, wouldn’t it make more sense, when count of answers is > 0, it is in fact Answered?
I changed /inc/Status.php ln24 from
if ( $status ) {
$return = '<span title="'.__( ucwords( $status ), 'dwqa' ).'" class="dwqa-status dwqa-status-'.strtolower( $status ).'">'.__( ucwords( $status ), 'dwqa' ).'</span>';
if ( $echo ) {
echo $return;
return $return;
if ( $status ) {
$answers_count = dwqa_question_answers_count();
if($answers_count > 0 && $status == 'open'){
$status = 'answered';
$return = '<span title="'.__( ucwords( $status ), 'dwqa' ).'" class="dwqa-status dwqa-status-'.strtolower( $status ).'">'.__( ucwords( $status ), 'dwqa' ).'</span>';
if ( $echo ) {
echo $return;
return $return;
adding the answer count. And if count is > 0, but status is still open, I change the local $status variable to ‘answered’, so it picks up the css stylename, and shows answered indicator. And it works for me.
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