Brian Matzat
asked 9 years ago

I’d like the timeline to go oldest to newest by date rather than newest to oldest. How do I accomplish this? I have the pro plugin.

2 Answers
answered 9 years ago

Hi, for your situation, to reverse the timeline of dw timeline pro, there are lots of work to do, for your situation, please provide me your website, and FTP via private question , i’ll try to help you accomplish that.

Svensk Fastighetsförmedling
replied 8 years ago

Any easy way to resolve this? We need to go from the oldest to the newest to.

Dominic Staff
replied 8 years ago

As @Allen wrote here. It's very hard to make the timeline support this. If you want, we need to customize the theme. If you want to have it, we are ready to help you as a custom work with a charge of fee.
In case that you are still interested in the feature, please kindly let us know, we will check and estimate the time.

answered 7 years ago

Hi… we are using DW Timeline Pro for a client site and they have asked for the timeline to be switched to ascending. Please tell me where to send details of our project to get an estimate and time frame for having you do this custom work for us. Thank you.

Dominic Staff
replied 7 years ago

I sent and notified to our technical team about your request, we will check and let you know.

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