There is a problem with the post layout when the content is only a few lines that do not fill the maximum width of entry-content. Instead the width of the “entry-content” div block is whatever the width of the text is and right aligned. I’m not sure if this is intended behavior but it makes embedded content look odd. For example, unfiltered html content or plugins which provide shortcodes for embedded content, e.g. Playbuzz plugin and Simple Brightcove plugin, are given a width that is far smaller than the max width instead of the maximum width allowed.
My question is whether there is a fix for this?
@rswanner & @louisajones ! You can send me your site for further checking.
That’s one of several posts with short sentences that float right. As mentioned above its the .element-content {float:right} causing it but removal/alteration messes up the social sharing
This issue come from your posts, I have checked your site and you have used the ” <br> ” tag in the post, you can log in to Dashboard > Posts > Edit post, Open the Text frame then remove the ” <br> ” tag.
As you will see if you visit the link again, the line breaks are irrelavent. If you don’t enter enough text to fill the entire width on at least one line then the float: right of the .element-content comes into play!
To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the Header Code (Dashboard > Customize > Custom Code):
This fixed the issue. Was this fix included in recent updates?
We will discuss about this issue.
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replied 11 years ago
I’m having the same problem, it appears that its the float:right in .entry-content that causes it but setting it to left or none either moves the social media buttons below or to the right of the content!