Raul Caires
asked 11 years ago

I’m using a Mac computer and I’ve managed to install Focus with this option – Theme file is an option for those who wish to build their websites from the start with their own customisation.
But can I install this option as well? – Quick start file: using this file to install, you will have a theme with all the widgets, settings and sample content

5 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Right now, if you can install theme as our demo. Please repeat the installation. After downloading  the dw_focus_1.0.5_quickstart.zip package. please unzip this file and move the files into your /htdocs file, which will be located within the MAMP directory in your Applications folder.
If you still face there issue, you can create a private question then send me username & password your hosting. I will help you install theme.

Raul Caires
replied 11 years ago

I’ll send the user and pass to your email?

Raul Caires
replied 11 years ago

No need to send passes… I got it Dominic! Done and rocking!
A thousand thanks! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Jackie Lord
answered 11 years ago

Hi Raul, 
The Quickstart way: you will have the site that look like our demo site, with demo content, widgets and settings as well. However, if you install the Quickstart on your existing site, your current data will be lost.
Theme install: install the theme on your existing site and all the data are still there. But you need to follow the guide to set it up.
Hope this helps!

Raul Caires
answered 11 years ago

Let’s see if I got it right: I can only install one Focus theme (theme file or quick start file) on WordPress?
And how can I install the quick start file using a Mac?
I’ve got the impression that the installing guide provided by DW is for PC’s.
Thanks Jackie Lord

answered 11 years ago

Of course .You only possible install one DW Focus theme on the WP.
To install WordPress locally on a Mac you can see the guide here: http://wpcandy.com/teaches/how-to-install-wordpress-locally-on-a-mac/#.UrQNlyfYr6c
I think that guide is pretty detailed 🙂

Raul Caires
replied 11 years ago

Hi Dominic. I’ve already installed WordPress. And uploaded the Focus theme file. But how can I erase this one in order to upload quicksrtart theme? Or do I have to repeat the installation process and this time with the theme I want?


answered 11 years ago

If you want to get all the content as our demo. Please repeat the installation.
1. After downloading the dw_focus_1.0.5_quickstart.zip from designwall.com
2. Unzip this package and move the dw_focus_1.0.5_quickstart  files into your /htdocs file, which will be located within the MAMP directory in your Applications folder.
If you still face there issue. Please send me username & password your hosting. I will help you install theme.

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