Hi I am also having problems after updating to 4.0. I can create a co author but their photo image doesn’t show up and when I select them to be the ‘author’ of a post, nothing shows up on the front end. This is really Important. Please help asap?
To resolve this issue, you can use the WP User Avatar plugin. Please find plugin here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-user-avatar/screenshots/
Hope this helps !
Wait this is for an Avatar, not adding a Co Author… can you advise? Also someone from DW emailed me saying to update my DW Focus theme to the latest version which is 1.0.8 (which is supposed to help), however have not told me where I’m supposed to get that… It doesn’t show up anywhere for updating. Can you please help with this?
Yeah so the format of this doesn’t work with the rest of the site, it adds authors but doesn’t look right and doesn’t allow me to then remove one so they are the only author (the guest). I need it to work and look like it does in the demo. Have you updated the system yet?
I have helped you on your question via email. Please check your email.Regards,
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