jim rig
asked 9 years ago


when I select a category in general all hyperlinks are the color of the category
but this rule does not work for hi-tech and life style(ex-game) category on my site, precisely on the sidebar widget “even more news”

Can you help?

5 Answers
answered 9 years ago

I think you have some sofusion in the DW Focus theme, color of categories just changed with the categories that you have select in the widget or categories page.

I have checked your site and see that the even more news showing the post in the Business categories.

jim rig
answered 9 years ago

take this one http://e-blog.us/category/entertainment/ and look "even more news" you will see the color is the color of the category

Dominic Staff
replied 9 years ago

You can add the following code to the style.css file:

.color-blue .widget-title a {
color: #07c !important;

.color-blue .widget-title {
border-top-color: #07c !important;

.color-orange .widget-title a {
color: #ff9500 !important;

.color-orange .widget-title {
border-top-color: #07c !important;

jim rig
answered 9 years ago

Thank you for all the information the issue is solved!

I would like to clarify that for a such complex modification and already existing in your template, It would be nice that you do fix it yourself !

answered 9 years ago

Yes, We will fix and update this issue in the next version of the DW Focus, please let me know if you have any questions, issues.

answered 9 years ago

You can use the following code to change the hyperlink color in the post of each category.

.single.color-blue .entry-content a {
    color: blue;

Note: If you want to change the hyperlink color in another categories, you can use the code and change the color name in the code.

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