Hey team,
I’m having a blast setting up a new site using Argo. However, the biggest missing piece for me is social buttons and/or counters on posts. I’d like to use one of these plugins (haven’t decided which yet): Floating Social or Digg Digg.
I’d like to completely get rid of the “Reading Now” column on posts and put the share buttons there instead. Can you give me an idea of how I’d do this? Or at a minimum, can you tell me how to get rid of the “Reading Now” column?
I thought the reading now column would be a sidebar area which can be populated with any widgets you want. But I am not sure as I don’t use dw argo.
If that’s the case, I can’t figure out how to configure it. Can you tell me where I’d look to do that?
Hi Jackson,
1) To get rid of the “Reading Now” column, you can open up the single.php file in themes/dw-argo folder, and remove the following code (around line 4):
<div id="side-content">
<?php get_template_part( 'navigation' ); ?>
Then, go to Dashboard / Appearances / Customize / Custom Code, and add the code below to Header Code section:
.display-grid-content .hentry .entry-thumbnail img {
max-width: 100%;
2) You can add the following code to include social sharing buttons to anywhere you want:
<?php dw_social_sharing(); ?>
For example, if you want to add social buttons on top and below the articles, please open up the content-single.php file in themes/dw-argo folder, find the code below:
<div class="entry-content"> ... </div>
…and change it into this:
<?php dw_social_sharing(); ?> <div class="entry-content"> ... </div> <?php dw_social_sharing(); ?>
Hope this helps!
Wow, this is super helpful. Thank you!
I’m still experimenting a bit, but for now, the best option I’ve found is to use the DiggDigg plugin and simply delete this line:
I left the lines above and below this one in place. This seems to work because if the “side-content” material isn’t there, DiggDigg gets pushed off the page. Of course, DiggDigg doesn’t work on mobile…gotta figure that out.
Thanks again, Kido!
You’re most welcome, Jackson. Happy to help…
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