asked 5 years ago

I am using the DW Focus 2 theme for my website. The website I build has some static pages and a lot of blog posts. For the website I want to build a useable main menu, from which I can access to the categories of the blog posts, the static pages and to external websites.
I have seen in the documentation, that the main menu of DW Focus 2 is only build out of the blog post categories. And there it always generates the same style of main menu (categories on the left and leading blog posts on the right).
But I want to build the menu for my own – like other mega menu’s. Maybe with an extra mega menu plugin.
The best way is, that you implement an option either to use the built-in categorie menu (as realised now) or the wordpress menu funktion to built a menu for my own. Or you make the DW Focus 2 mega menu more customizable.
Otherwise please give me some hints, what I have to change in the code to

  • set up a menu position
  • turn off the DW Focus 2 built-in menu generator and can use a WordPress menu or a mega menu plugin

btw: There is a failure in the DW Focus 2 mega menu: The number of the comments is hard coded (always 4) and not generated dynamicly
Thanks for some hints.
Best regards

1 Answers
answered 5 years ago

At the moment, if you are a coder and know about the code, you can go to the wp-content/themes/dw-focus-2/ folder then open the header.php file then find the following code to custom the menu. 
<div class=”site-navigation”>…..</div>
Many megamenus supported and integrated with the theme. 

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