I deploy DW Focus quickstarts and would like to know what size of featured image I need to use for each post.
Also I notice the outcome of the resized images are of different size as compare to what is specified in Admin -> Settings > Media. Where is the properties for ‘thumbnail’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’ size are stored.
Hello Aditya Lesmana !
We mostly use the size 500×400 for all the article images. The system will automatically resize and get the smaller images for the website. To be specific:
– 500×400 images are used for:
News Slider
Featured Image
Single post và Featured Image
First article of Category Archive
– 230×130 are used for:
Recent news, Featured News, Popular News (If you select Medium size images)
Category (3 cols)
News Carousel
Articles on Archive page
– 110×110 are used for:
Recent news, Featured News, Popular News (If you select Thumbnail image size)
Category (1 col)
Hope you find this useful
is the system going to resize image in the post or on ‘featured image’ only
also, where the resize images are saved? can this be carried out for older post as well ?
while i am at it, is there way to change the quality of the resized image? (high, low, med)
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