Andy Janssens
asked 11 years ago

I’m trying to find the best possible size for images, but due to lack of time I’m getting nowhere… Can you tell me the image sizes of featured image, slider, content, etc?
Thanks in advance!

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hi Andy,
We mostly use the size 670 x 350px for all the article images. The system will automatically resize and get the smaller images for the website. To be specific:
670 x 350 images are used for:

  1. News Slider
  2. Featured Image
  3. Single post and Featured Image

Also, there are 300 x 156px images, which are used for:
        DW: Post Carousel (If you select thumbnail size images)
210 x 210px images are used for:
        First article of Category Archive
Hope this helps!

Andy Janssens
replied 11 years ago

Hi Dominic

Thank you! That’s exactly what I was looking for! Now I can get started with experimenting! 🙂

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