asked 12 years ago


I just purchased the DW Focus theme today for WordPress.  I successfully downloaded the zip files, and it will not upload to my wordpress installation.  (3.5.1).

5 Answers
answered 12 years ago

I tried to extract the contents and then make a new archive using the same file structure.  It still fails to upload.  Please assist.

answered 12 years ago

Tried downloading from another computer and uploading.  Still does not work.  Please assist.  I ass many question hare have gone unanswered for 2 days…  Is that normal?

answered 12 years ago

Update, I extracted all the files, then put them in /wp-content/themes/ manually via http://FTP.  WordPress now see the theme but claims that the stylesheet is missing.

It looks like there is at least one missing file from the archive you provided.

answered 12 years ago

Any update on this?  I need to start making moves here.  I want to get my site updated.  Can you please just provide the missing files and the paths they belong in so that I can get moving??

Jennifer N
answered 12 years ago

Hello Dean !

In order to install our team on your WordPress ( 3.5.1 ) , you need to extract the item named ” ” and copy its into item following the path  \wp-content\themes.

Log into dashboard > Appearance > theme. You can activate that theme here.


answered 12 years ago

Jennifer, thank you for the response, but this does not help.  I originally installed the theme be uploading it in the WordPress interface.  My site has been around for years, so I know what I’m doing.

WordPress refuses to upload the theme, as I’ve described previously.  The only way I could attempt installing was manually be extracting to files to wp-content/themes.  When I go back to the theme manager in WP is complains that there is no style-sheet.

The archive is missing files.  Please fix the archive and email me another download link.

answered 12 years ago

I apologize for our late reply – You can view the tutorial video and configure details here – Can you tell us what the next difficulty. we will help you, or you can send me username & password, I will help you install it.


Rob Findlay
replied 12 years ago

Jin can you help me as well – have had the same issue – says the stylesheet is missing

Dominic Staff
replied 12 years ago

Please have a look at our document guide on installing our product package at:

If you have any problem, please get back to me with your username & password hosting for further help.

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