asked 11 years ago

Focus 404 page includes a logo that reads “FOCUS”? Don’t get me wrong, the design is VERY good: the background logo in greyscale is nicely placed there. However, except for demo purpose, or end-users whose brand happens to be “Focus” by chance, everybody else needs to manually replace /assets/img/logo-404.png with something else. This is fine, until the next update. Please kindly take care of it, by e.g. using a non-brand specific image. Thanks.

4 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Thank for your suggestions. 
We will resolve this issue in next version.

answered 11 years ago

Thanks, Wilfred. Looking forward to that.

answered 11 years ago

By the way, the same is true about category-specific logos (filed under assets/colors). Again, the design is VERY good: a different style (color + logo) for each category. But then EVERY customer who make use of this will have to replace them manually and for every future update, which is not exactly user-friendly. Thanks.

answered 11 years ago

Thank for your feedback :). We will discuss about this issue.

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