I’m new to this and have uploaded my picture to everywhere I can think of that the theme could possibly pull it from but no photo has yet to appear on my sidebar.. Help!
Please tell me detail about the image size that you want to display in the sidebar section, I will help you resolve this issue.
I just want this unicorn (<—) displayed in the round like the theme demo has… the original image is over 2 MB but I scaled it down to 1 MB for my gravatar.. I can scale it to any size, just don't know where to put it after that… Thanks!!
Yes my gravatar site is created and obviously it’s pulling properly on my DW profile but it’s not showing up on my Minion themed site. “Upload as usual”? That’s my question haha.. Where in the theme do I upload it? I’m not usually inept with technology but this one has me stumped!
You can send me username & password of your site (via private answer) & a screenshot for further checking.
I have checked your site and help you resolve this issue, you can log in to Dashboard > Customize > Site Title & Tagline tabs.
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/5ri4ty
Note: If you want to display image in the round like the theme demo, you need use a image circle.
Hope this helps !
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