Miguel V
asked 11 years ago

Hi, dominic . Some days ago I tell you that I need to modify the size of the header, and you said:  “To set a size for the header, You can open the template.css file in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-wallpress\assets\css” and change the size here.”
Could you tell me what number of line is, the header size to change in template.css ?
Another question: Home page of 4 columns of articules, no more , and two side-bars. You said: ” Please open the home.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-wallpress”, add the following code to the line 37 <?php get_sidebar(‘secondary’); ?> -Done –
Open the header.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\themes\dw-wallpress”, find the line 29 then add the following code: <script type=”text/javascript”>… etc” -Done
and finally: “Custom code then add the following code to the “Header Code”.   I can’t find “Header Code” in Dashboard > Theme > Customize > Custom code . where is it?
Thank you.

2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hi Miguel, 
To modify the header in the Wallpress, You can log in to Dashborad > Appearance > Customize > Custom Code, and add the following code to the “Header code”

#header {
     height: 80px;
#header #navigation li a {
    height: 80px;

Hope this helps ! 

Miguel V
answered 11 years ago

 I can’t find  “Header Code” in Dashboard > Theme > Customize > Custom code .

Jackie Lord
replied 11 years ago

Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Customize > Custom code

Mariana Keller
replied 9 years ago

Hi there, I don’t have the option of Custom Code. Please help!

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