asked 6 years ago

The first is, I wanna know if it possible to customize the URL type. I found that the permanent link style is not followed the website settings. The default style is the /postname/ style while my main site is not. I want it to be /postnumber.html form, but I dont know if it is possible?
Second, While I using the free version to test, there is no sidebar, and I cant find a place to add some widgets, the side is blank which is ugly. So, is it possible to add some widgets just like the wordpress did?
Thanks in advance.

1 Answers
answered 6 years ago

We have included the permalink option in the Pro version. 
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/n5of1u
About the sidebar section, we can help you custom the theme and add the sidebar to the question page.

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