Hey how can I change the padding color for the area with 80px, 40px, 40px which is the area next to the content area?
If I use the CSS with #page or site-background-color things the Background of the content area get also changed from white to blue. But the contet area should be white on all devices. And the padding/border background with the 80, 40, 40 should only be blue.
What do I need to add?
To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the style.css file:
.container { background: #fff; }
#page { background-color: blue; }
Hope this helps !
Perfect. Thank you! It works on desktop. But not on mobile (iPad & iPhone)
But I have 2 issues on the iPad
1) How can I make the container blue for the iPad also with adding / change CSS?
2) On iPad (in Safari & Chrome Browser also, iOS 8.0.1) I have the issue that the navigation is closed when the sites get open. How can I make the navigation get displayed all the time?
The navigation I have in the “individual menu” in the main sidebar widget area in the backend of WP.
Do you have some solutions please ? =)
Apologies for the delay in replying to you.
At the moment, it’s not easy to make the site displayed on Ipad/Iphone as you want because the sidebar position on the mobile, tablet is not the same with the desktop screens. That’s our design and easy to view. Hope that you understand.
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