Currently,In my website I am using DW pro and ultimate member plugin.
I want that if someone visits author’s ultimate user profile,he/she should see question asked by him,answers answered by him on the same page along with user profile.How can I do this?Please! Guide me
1 Answers
At the moment, the pro version has integration with the ultimate member plugin,
you can add the following code to the functions.php of your theme to redirect to the author profile when clicking the author name.
add_filter('dwqa_get_author_link', 'dwqa_buddypress_profile_link', 10, 3);
function dwqa_buddypress_profile_link($url, $user_id, $user){
return bp_core_get_user_domain($user_id);
return $url;
If you still face their issue, you can send me the username & password of your site for further checking.
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