Nico Pagel
asked 10 years ago

I would like to simplify the editor shown in the “ask question form”, “add answer form” and “edit question form”.

3 Answers
answered 10 years ago

Please tell detail about the icon that you want to remove on the Tinymce editor. 

Nico Pagel
replied 10 years ago

I want to remove all icons with a few exceptions: “bold”, “italic”, “strikethrough”, “bulleted list” and “numbered list”.Regards, Nico

Nico Pagel
answered 10 years ago


answered 10 years ago

To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the style.css file:

.single-dwqa-question .mce-active {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .mce-last {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Blockquote"] {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Fullscreen"] {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Insert Read More tag"] {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Remove link"] {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Insert/edit link"] {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Align right"] {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Align center"] {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Align left"] {     display: none; }
.single-dwqa-question .wp-editor-container div[aria-label="Horizontal line"] {     display: none; }

Hope this helps !

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