Jodi Weakland
asked 11 years ago
4 Answers
answered 11 years ago

I would like to introduce you to Child Themes

Jodi Weakland
replied 11 years ago

Great! I did that, but there is only 19 lines of code in the style.css file. Where is the full code for me to edit?

Kido D
answered 11 years ago

Hi Jodi,
Since the CSS file of DW Minion was compressed and would be hard for editing, so you’ll need to download the uncompressed version of the CSS file in the link here:
Then, go to themes/dw-minion/assets/css folder, and replace the main.css file in that foder with the new main.css file that you downloaded in the link above.
After that, you can edit the main.css file for DW Minion theme.
P/S.: You can also add the custom CSS code or JS code directly into Dashboard / Appearances / Customize / Custom Code.  
Hope that helps!

Jodi Weakland
replied 11 years ago

Thank you very much! 🙂

mann tom
answered 11 years ago

Do you have the same file for Timeline theme?

Kido D
answered 11 years ago

Hi Mann,
Here is the css file for the Timeline theme: Cheer!

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