Ruben Ridderhof
asked 11 years ago

I want to create a blog page. I have created a new page, selecting the ‘blog’ template and then customized the Blog settings in the theme appearance, just as you describe it in the DW Focus guide.  The page works nicely, however it shows the blog post in full length. It doesn’t shorten the content of the posts. How can I fix this?

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hello Ruben ! 
On my homepage, we use a “More” tag to shorten a post on the homepage and have a “read more” link.  When add a new content,  in the content frame please put the cursor in anywhere you would like , and click on “More” button. Please take a view below:

Or you can use this plugin to have an excerpt for your posts: Easy Custom Auto Excerpt

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