Translate into Russian
I need in Russian translation of DW Simplex template and I cannot find this parts:
Can you help me?
I marked by * element which I want to fix: only numbers without rates.
Sorry for my bad English and thank you.
– To change the title “Filter”, you can open the price-filter.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\plugins\jigoshop\widgets” / line 120.
-To change the title “Posted in”, you can open the jigoshop_template_functions.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\plugins\jigoshop\” / line 305.
– To change the title “Logout”, you can open the user_login.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\plugins\jigoshop\widgets” /line 64.
– To change the “Quantity”, you can log in to Dashboard > Appearance > Editor > add the following code:
.single.jigoshop .summary .quantity:before {
content: "Quantity" !important;
Note: change your title here: Quantity
– To change the title “Forgot it?”, you can open the user_login.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\plugins\jigoshop\widgets” /line 100.
– To change the title “New user?”, you can open the user_login.php file in the folder path “\wp-content\plugins\jigoshop\widgets” /line 106.
Thank you!
How I can do it? (erase the currency)
How I can do it? (erase the currency)
I think you have resolved this issue.
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