how do you make search results appear newest first in dw focus?
At the moment, Our theme is default to display search results appear newest first in the DW Focus theme.
got another question. on the homepage, how do i make today’s posts only appear instead of all the latest posts?
Unfortunately, Our DW Focus does not support this issue.
Our search results do not display in ‘newest first’ order. It displays in random order. Is there a fix for that?
Please create a private question and send me username & password of your site for further checking.
My apologies! It seems that the search returns first the posts where the query word appears in the title, sorted by date, and then in the body, sorted by date. Our searches in question returned a couple of the former, then a couple of the latter, so it looked like the dates were out of order. Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the results are sorted by relevance first, then date… and please accept my apology for not catching this before I posted. Thanks!
No problem! you are welcome. If you have any issue or question, you can let me know we will help you check and resolve it.
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