Actually I am providing free wordpress templates for my viewers and I want to show download count into the download button, I mean how much a theme has been downloaded. Any suggestions will appreciated. You can view my site here to get an idea. Thanks
I’m terribly sorry about the unexpected answer and the issue with my account. It was not me and I’m back now. About your question, please let us know which theme you are using? In case that you haven’t already installed yet, we can’t support you. As in our support policy, we only support if you are using our own themes and will help you with problems directly related to our themes.
I think the best way for doing the same is by installing a plug-in that provides you with the required stats. I am certainly aware of a stuff called “Codecanyon – Download Counter v1.2.0 for WordPress”. It allows you to keep a track on number of times a particular URL has been opened or a stuff is downloaded. Install it on your site and enjoy.
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