Marko Jaric
asked 11 years ago

How to place block quotes to the left and right of text?

In the “Article Demo” it shows block quotes to the left of text and also the right of text.  The “Article Demo” also does the same with images.  However; when I insert an image or blockquote with the WordPress Editor, it only has text above and below, but not to the right or left.  What is the trick to getting images and blockquotes to display like they do in in the Article Demo?

2 Answers
answered 11 years ago

To resolve this problem, You can see the article on my demo. in the post, i use the code to do it.

For example:

<blockquote class="alignright">This is a sample <strong>Blockquote</strong>. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer rutrum dignissim et neque id. Interdum pharetra in a metus congue In Sed Pellentesque tincidunt pharetra.
<small>Someone famous <cite title="Source Title">Source Title</cite></small></blockquote>

Hope this helps !

Marko Jaric
replied 11 years ago

Perfect! So I assume the other placement would be “alignleft”?

Marko Jaric
replied 11 years ago

Can you please provide a similar example for either left or right aligned embedded image?

answered 11 years ago

To add ads to the post, you can log in to Dashboard > Posts > Add new > insert media in the posts.

See the screenshot:

and select the alignment your image.

See the screenshot:

Hope this helps !

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