goushi Drishi
asked 11 years ago

Where must I place the dwqa-FR-fr, Is there anything else to change the language? Sorry for my English.

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hi Goushi,
In the latest version 1.0.2 of DW Question & Answer plugin, the language file .po is located in the folder path: dw-question-answer\languages
If you are still using the old version of the plugin, I would recommend you to upgrade (of course please take backup).
You should have two separate files as dwqa-FR_fr.po and dwqa-FR_fr.mo

Then in wp-config.php file, find the code below:

define ('WPLANG', '');

And add:

define ('WPLANG', 'FR_fr');

Save your wp-config.php file, and you are ready to go.
Please try and let me know the result.

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