ania molenda
asked 11 years ago

How can I remove the information on the type of post on the timeline? I would not like the word: standard to appear in most of my posts.
I would also not like to see the name of the author and the date, just the category.
Thanks a lot for help!

3 Answers
answered 11 years ago

Hello Ania !
To remove the author and date in the posts of DW Timeline theme, you can do as the following:
1. Install the Jetpack by plugin.
2. Setting Jetpack then enable the Custom CSS feature.
3. Navigate to Appearance > Editor Css, add the following code:

    .hentry .entry-author, .hentry .entry-date, .hentry .sep {
    display: none;

Hope this helps !

ania molenda
replied 11 years ago

Hi! Thanks! It did help. Just the post type is still there. would you also know how to get rid of that one?

Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Please tell me detail about the position that you want to remove the author, Date, or you can send me a screenshot for further checking.

Fab Gaba
answered 11 years ago

What you need to do is to follow Dominic’s instructions above but add “entry-format” in the custom CSS.
Something like this should work :

.hentry .entry-author, .hentry .entry-date, .hentry .entry-format, .hentry .sep {
    display: none;}
Maat Woodfriend
replied 11 years ago

Hi there,

Firstly – thanks for this wonderfully easy to use, simple template!

I’ve found this very helpful, but I too wish to go one step further and hide the “In Uncategorized” text from individual posts. Is this possible?


answered 11 years ago

To resolve this issue, you can add the following code to the Editor Css:

.hentry .cat-links { display: none; }
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