Karl Lirzer
asked 11 years ago

on my site using DW Simplex the NavBar-Icon is shown – but it should not (I havent got the slightest idea what the purpose of this icon/button is). 
I compared the sources with the demo on http://demo.designwall.com/dw-simplex/ and found:
On the demo site there is an additional main.css used, which hides this icon (including sub elements):
.btn-navbar { display:none; …
So where is this main.css coming from and why is it not included in my install package?
Has there been made some updates on the theme and I have an older (buggy) one? (I bought the theme at Bundlehunt).

1 Answers
answered 11 years ago

You are using the old version, didn’t you?. Please download and upgrade the latest version of the theme and check again if the update resolves the problem. Also, we no longer control the sales on the Bundlehunt, so please provide us your payment info (receipt) on the Bundlehunt for further checking.

Karl Lirzer
replied 11 years ago

Hi Dominic,

I got version 1.0.1. Where can I download the latest version? The themes section in WP does not show an available update.
BundleHunt Receipt #7K107754PX334482V, Order Date: May 28, 2013
Do you need anything else for checking?


Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Right now, you can download the latest version in your profile. After updating, if you still face there issue, please let me know.

Karl Lirzer
replied 11 years ago

Thanks a lot, Dominic!

One more question: what about future version of the theme, will they auto-update or how could I get them?


Dominic Staff
replied 11 years ago

Please update the theme once more as following: You should overwrite the theme folder via FTP. If you don’t want to loose all changes that you customized, before updating the latest version, please mark and copy all files that you edited, then update to the version 1.0.4.
After finishing, you add all codes that you customized to your new theme.
Note: you can find here for the document guide on how to upgrade the theme: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/how-to-upgrade-a-wordpress-theme-even-if-its-customized/
– Also, in the latest version we only fix bug for the theme.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.4 =
* Tweak: Restyle Portfolio pages
* Tweak: Using LESS for theme style
* New: Restyle to be compatible with BuddyPress Plugin
* New: Integrate DW Question & Answer to BuddyPress
* New: Fully compatible with WordPess 3.8.

Karl Lirzer
replied 11 years ago

Thanks, Dominic!
I developed a child theme base on DW Simplex to “outsource” my changes. Indeed, my issue was solved with the updated theme package. (btw, also the slider plugin works now as expected).


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