Hi, thank you for providing nice theme. I like DW fixel.
This is a my first question post.
Today, I have some question and problem.
First, I want to ask you about “How to make contact form in DW fixel”.
I tried to enter the sauce code like this.
And It is displayed in preview like this.
I don’t know how make contact form.
I want only contact form which is “your name” “your address” “Comments” , like your DW fixel Demo”http://demo.designwall.com/#dw-fixel”.
Please teach me how to make it….
And I ask again about other problems and questions on the other question form.
Thank you.
Hello Hiroshi !
To make contact form in DW fixel as our demo, you can log in to Dashboard > Pages > Edit your contact page then add the following code to the “Text” frame ( not visual)
[col_size class="col-4"]<iframe src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Mindanao+Wy+/+Alla+Rd+NE+Los+Angeles,+CA+90292+â&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.41771,86.572266&ie=UTF8&hq=Mindanao+Wy+/+Alla+Rd+NE+â&hnear=Marina+del+Rey,+California+90292&t=m&ll=33.987896,-118.433774&spn=0.04283,0.051531&output=embed" height="350" width="100%" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>[/col_size]
[col_grid]<br class="nc" />[col_size class="col-2" padding="yes"][dw_contact_form][/col_size]
[col_size class="col-2"]
<div class="about-intro">
Donec fringilla arcu id justo mollis varius. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse porttitor justo.
<span class="phone-number">(+315) 457-0000</span>
<img class="size-full wp-image-483 aligncenter" alt="vcard-designwall" src="http://localhost/dw-fixel_1.0.4_quickstart/wp-content/uploads/vcard-designwall.png" width="216" height="216" />[/col_size]<br class="nc" />[/col_grid]<br class="nc" />[/col_grid_wrap]
Notice: Please change the content & links to your content.
Hope this helps !
Hi, Dominic !!
Thank you for your reply.
I can make “contact form” by your advice!!
I appreciate you. Thank you so much!!
sauce code:
[col_size class=”col-4″ padding=”yes”][dw_contact_form][/col_size]
Only this code. It’s very short. DW fixel is very nice theme!!
I’m sorry, but I tried to change the content by insert /edit image, it didn’t do well.
And now, I have a new question.
When someone send a message by “contact form”, if it goes well,
“sucsessful message” will be displayed in English on “contact form”.
This message:
“Thanks for contacting us! Your message has been successfully sent. We will check and get back to you as soon as possible.”
I want to change the language of this message to Japanese.
Which files & How do I rewrite this ??
Please advice me…
And I appreciate you to read my no-good English.
I thank you again.Thank you.
Hi, Dominic !!
Thank you for your reply.
I can make “contact form” by your advice!!
I appreciate you. Thank you so much!!
sauce code:
[col_grid]<br class=”nc” />[col_size class=”col-4″ padding=”yes”][dw_contact_form][/col_size]
Only this code. It’s very short. DW fixel is very nice theme!!
I’m sorry, but I tried to change the content by insert /edit image, it didn’t do well.
And now, I have a new question.
When someone send a message by “contact form”, if it goes well,
“sucsessful message” will be displayed in English on “contact form”.
This message:
Thanks for contacting us! Your message has been successfully sent. We will check and get back to you as soon as possible.
I want to change the language of this message to Japanese.
Which files & How do I rewrite this ??
Please advice me…
And I appreciate you to read my no-good English.
I thank you again.Thank you.
Glad that previous code helped you!
In this case, to resolve this issue, you can log in to Dashboard > Contact Form 7, Edit contact form and then change in the Messages section.
See the screenshot:
Save and see if that makes any difference here.
If you stuck somewhere, don’t hesitate to let us know so we can assist .
Hi, Dominic.
I don’t use plug-in “Contact form7”, so I couldn’t solve by your way.
I’m sorry, but please tell me other way.
And please access and look my contact page once again.
Thank you for your kindness.
Your care is very helpful to make my pages.
You just possible use Contact form7 to resolve this issue.
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