asked 10 years ago

I need to know how i can make the Fagebook buttons link to the official facebook app when pressing them from a mobile device like a phone or iPad.
I want the buttons to link to the normal facebookwebsite when pressing them from a computer.

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

Unfortunately, Our DW Fixel does not support this issue.

David Gorbach
replied 10 years ago

Hello Dominic. We need a real answer. The current link through to facebook on mobile is terribly out-of-date and needs your team’s immediate attention to adjust the link code. It’s easy and many mobile applications have done it in recent months. Please discuss internally and advise. Thanks, David

Dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

We sent and notified our technical team your problem. However, unfortunately, the Facebook box is loaded by JS, it’s hard to resolve as you want.

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