– Is it possible and how can I do it? 🙂
Please add the image to the site then send me the link image.
Is it my logo you want me to add to or what, doesn’t quite understand what you mean? 🙂
You can tell me detail about the position which you want to change the logo, please send me your site for further checking.
If you put this file (file:///C:/Users/mph/Downloads/designwall_problem.jpg) into a browser, then you can see where I want the logo. 🙂 here is the domain (but I’m not shure if you can see it, having some trouble with people outside of Denmark to see it – don’t know why?)
I can not see your image from file:///C:/Users/mph/Downloads/designwall_problem.jpg :). Please add the designwall_problem.jpg image to the site, then send me your image link.
Notice: If you want to replace the site’s title with a graphic on the home page, you can add the following code to the style.css file (Dashboard > Appearance > Editor )
.banner .page-title {
background: url('FILE URL');
height: ...px;
width: ...px;
In which: FILE URL is where you paste your image URL
Hope this helps !
Thanks, but I don’t wanna replace the site title – just adding the logo in the right upper corner. 🙂
okay, I’ll put the problem.jpg to the so you can see it. 🙂
Hello again. What did you found out? 🙂
Can somebody help me, my client is impatient to get his webpage up and running!? 🙂
Please follow our instruction below on how to upload image into imgur:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Computer button
3. Select your image (designwall_problem.jpg)
4. Click the Start Upload
5. Send us “Direct link” as on the image below: – here is where I want the logo to be!! 🙂 🙂
To resolve this issue please followng my instruction here:
1. Open page-header.php in /wp-content/themes/dw-timeline-pro/templates/page-header.php
2. Replace following code form line 1 to line 5
<div class="page-header">
<?php echo dw_timeline_title(); ?>
<div class="page-header row">
<h1 class="col-md-6">
<?php echo dw_timeline_title(); ?>
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="IMAGE LINK" alt="">
Note: Change IMAGE LINK by your image link.
Hope this helps !
Thanks!! 🙂 what if I want it a little bit more to the right? what should I change in the code to make that happend? 🙂
you can add the following code to the style.css file:
.col-md-6 > img {
float: right;
Thank you!! 🙂 🙂
Can I also make it into a link?
You can add a link by use following code
<a href="YOUR LINK"><img src="IMAGE LINK" alt=""></a>
Thanks, it all works! 🙂
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