asked 7 years ago

I have purchased DWQA pro from
The plugin works well. Thank you!
My client asked a question whether DWQA can support Buddypress private message. On my website, DWQA adds a tab in Buddypress user account page. That is good! And we hope if a user give a answer under a question, the questioner can receive a private message(or notification) under Buddypress message tab, not only by email.
Is this doable? DWQA pro already has this functionality, please let me know. And if not, is there any other add-on can do this?
Thank you in advance!

2 Answers
answered 7 years ago

At the moment, the plugin does not support this option. However, I think this is a good idea. I sent and notified to our technical team about this option, we will check and discuss about it. 

replied 7 years ago

Great! I hope we will have this functionality soon. Thanks to you and your team in advance!

And 2more questions.
Does DWQA has any hook(filter/action) after a question got answered?
Does DWQA has any hook(filter/action) when a question is solved?
I probably need to add MyCred plugin in to my website. Can give some points to user when he answer a question… Is there any document for developers?

answered 7 years ago

– Does DWQA has any hook(filter/action) after a question got answered?

Action: dwqa_add_answer - 2 param ($answer_id, $question_id) 
Filter: dwqa_insert_answer_args - 1 param $answer_data

– Does DWQA has any hook(filter/action) when a question is solved?
At the moment, the plugin has not the hook(filter/action) when a question is solved. However, if you want to check you can use the following:

$status = dwqa_question_status( $question_id );
$status = get_post_meta( $question_id, '_dwqa_status', true );

– Here is the code to get point from myCred 

<?php if(function_exists('mycred_get_users_cred')) echo '<span class="sep">&sdot;</span><span class="author-bugget">'.mycred_get_users_cred(get_the_author_meta('ID')).' $tone</span>'; ?>

If you want to put this point next to author name. Please copy template files from <your-plugins-folder>/dw-question-answer/inc/templates/ into <your-themes-folder>/<your-themes>/dwqa-templates/ then  put that code into your template files .
Hope this help!

replied 7 years ago

Thank you!
This helps a lot.

Dominic Staff
replied 7 years ago

If you have any issue or question, you can let me know, we will check and help you resolve it.

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