Theme being use: DW Page (latest version)
Issues when viewed on mobile and how we can fix these?
> Phone or fax number in the Get In Touch section on the
mobile site cannot be seen
> On the Title section of the Main page (on the mobile
version only), the background picture cannot be seen, so the white text does
not appear….all that can be seen is a faint "Dr. Beth Gadomski" and the
"Book Now" button.
> The blog page does not work on the mobile version
> If you are on the mobile blog page or fee page, the menu button does not appear to link back to the main page – how can you correct this?
I have helped you resolved some issue about the background color.
About the phone, fax in the contact section and menu section on mobile, you can try clear cache then help me check, I have checked on my mobile and see that it works fine.
On the mobile site (from my phone and my husband’s phone), the menu link
does not work when on the Fee and Blog page.
I cannot view the phone or fax number on my husband’s mobile phone either.
These are the issues the owner of the website told me.
Yes, we are checking and fixing it.
I have fixed all the issue in the contact page and menu section, you can check your site now.
thanks so much Dominic!
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