Code Cat
asked 5 years ago

I developed a material theme for dwqa pro, and I was wondering if you would like to take a look at it. Here’s a demo

Aaron Giebel
replied 5 years ago

It’s not a theme, itś actually a style to go along with Flat, HelpDesk, and Default.

3 Answers
answered 5 years ago

Good job! 
I have checked and see that the site looks good. However, you should improve the style of the page and sidebar.  

Aaron Giebel
replied 5 years ago

Okay. I will

Aaron Giebel
replied 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I’d like to eventually give you the code. Please consider intergrating it into the next update, after the nessasary changes are made.

Code Cat
answered 5 years ago

Can I make a plugin that uses this theme?

Dominic Staff
replied 5 years ago

Please let me know detail about this question. If you want to create the plugin as site. At the moment, we can not provide this design.

Code Cat
answered 5 years ago

I have released the theme as open-source:
The Material extension is an open-source style sheet designed to improve the look & feel of sites running on the DW Q&A plugin. It’s an alternative to the ‘flat’, ‘helpdesk’ and ‘default’ style. After 7 months of development, I have open-sourced my project.
ideal installation instructions for dwqa pro: navigate to public html public_html/Your-Website-Name/wp-content/plugins/dw-question-answer-pro/templates/styles. upload the and unzip file. Go to settings, and under the style selection, select ‘Material’
Installation instructions for DWQA free (also works with DWQA pro): themes >> customise >> additional CSS
Updating: Simply re-install the style.

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