asked 8 years ago

I’ve set up the question list and ask a question page, and have successfully posted a question. However, when I click on the link to see the ‘question details’ on the question list page, I get a broken page where the [dwqa-list-questions] code appears instead of the content. How do I fix this issue, and display the question details instead of the code?
Ask a question page:
Question List page:
Broken question detail page:
Thank you!!

5 Answers
answered 8 years ago

Please send me username & password of your site for further checking.

answered 8 years ago

I have checked your site and see that you have used the page template for the question list. However, this page template is the error. I have edited the page and it works fine now. Please check your site and let me know if you have any issue or question.

answered 8 years ago

Thank you very much!!
A couple knock-on effects – I notice on all my question pages there is now a large white space between the header and the top of the questions. How do I adjust the padding/margin of the question list so there is less white space between the bottom of the header and the top of the question list?
Also, on my question detail page it now says ‘demo’ above the question. How do I fix/remove that?
Thank you – really appreciate your help!

answered 8 years ago

I have helped you resolve this issue, you can check your site now.

answered 8 years ago

Wow, really appreciate your help. Thank you!!

answered 8 years ago

Hi Dominic – I recently moved this site to a new WordPress account and now have the same issues with the new version of the site (ie, none of the dwqa pages are displaying). You mentioned that the page template was the error originally, and that you fixed the issue. What did you do to fix the issue? Could you let me know, so I can fix the issue on the new site? Thank you, in advance, for your help!

Hà Anh
answered 8 years ago

I’m not really following your issues from the start, unfortunately
I’ve just checked your site and have not found any problems with the question page. So it would be much better if you can describe what issues you’ve encountered and provide me the link to your site as well as the login credentials for further checking.
Many thanks.

answered 8 years ago

Hi guys – following up: were you able to access the site using the credentials I provided? Any luck figuring out why the DWQA pages aren’t working? Thank you, in advance, for your help!

Dominic Staff
replied 8 years ago

Please accept my apology for the delay in getting back to you.
You can send me a screenshot and your site url for further checking.

replied 8 years ago

Thanks for getting back to us – appreciate it. We had to launch the site a couple of weeks ago and weren’t able to figure out why our dwqa pages weren’t showing, so we ended up installing something else. Thanks again for helping us out, and for getting back to us. We’ll try to use dwqa on our next site!

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