Hi, i have just installed your plug in, everything is almost fine. At the moment i set it up that anonymous can post question, because when i set it up that they cant and i try to ask question without logging in, there is no registraion link or tab
At the moment, we have disable temporary this option in the latest version. If you want to display the login/register link in the single question, you can open the single-question.php file in the templates folder and add the following code under line 20.
if ( dwqa_current_user_can( 'post_answer' ) ) {
dwqa_load_template( 'answer', 'submit-form' );
} else { ?>
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { ?>
<div class="alert"><?php _e( 'You do not have permission to submit answer.','dwqa' ) ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<h3 class="dwqa-title">
printf( '%1$s <a href="%2$s" title="%3$s">%3$s %4$s', **( 'Please login or', 'dwqa' ), wp_registration_url(), **( 'Register', 'dwqa' ), __( 'to Submit Answer', 'dwqa' ) );
<div class="login-box">
<?php wp_login_form( array( 'redirect' => get_post_permalink( $question_id ) ) ); ?>
Then copy this code(at the final of the file) and paste into another style.css or the CSS Edit tool that you using.
If you still face their issue. you can send me username & password of your site, I will help add the code.
Note: If you don’t want the custom lost when you update the latest version, you go to your theme folder and create a new folder , named it "dwqa-templates" .
Inside your new folder, copy/paste the the single-question.php file into the "dwqa-templates" folder and add the code that I have provided.
Hope this helps!
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