Apple Rinquest
asked 10 years ago


Regarding the notification when new questions are posted, As I know the admin and a person who asks the question will get the email notification. But I am wondering, can another specific role get the notification as well? In my system, the managers need to get the notification when new posts are posted. The managers are not the admin and can not post the new questions.

I check the DW Q&A Notification Setting. There is the New Question Notification tab that I can set the "send to" emails list. I think if I add the emails from the specific role(managers) that they need to get the notification when the new question is posted. This setting should be work as I need. Am I right?

If I am right after setting, admin, a person who asks the question and managers, they all will get the notification. Is it correct?

Thank You,

1 Answers
answered 10 years ago

I know what you want, unfortunately. At the moment, our plugin does not yet support this issue, you only possible set the "send to" emails list. I sent and notified our technical team about this problem, we will discuss about it.

replied 10 years ago

Thank you for reply 🙂 I will take a look at the code and see where I can add the extra code for this issue. Thank you again.

replied 10 years ago

Hi Apple, I am trying to achieve the same thing. Did you ever find a way to send notifications to other roles?


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