asked 6 years ago

I can\’t see how to activate such a feature, although it seems it\’s quite important for Q&A platform. I have the notification add-on activated, but nothing seems to be related to this feature.
I would have expected to have this notification on front office (add-on notification) and per mail (settings/tab email)
Thanks for your help/experience.
(by the way : i bought it ๐Ÿ™‚ )

1 Answers
answered 6 years ago

At the moment, the plugin does not support this option. Very hard to compatible with another plugin.ย 
I sent and notified to our technical team about this issue, we will check and discuss about it.

replied 6 years ago

Hi, thank you for your quick answer. But could it be possible to add it to the mail notifications, that are part of your core-plugin?
And… so I guess it’s the same issue with Points?

Dominic Staff
replied 6 years ago

Sorry, but the plugin can not support this option.

replied 6 years ago

Thanks, but I shouldn’t have talked about notifications AND points in the same discussion. Sorry. I’m not sure what you mean now.

So, you mean “the plugin can not support” email notification + best answer ? Isn’t that feature, in a way, at the center of User experience of such a platform? If I may ๐Ÿ™‚

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