Jingjing Yao
asked 10 years ago

I enabled primary navigation, but it doesn’t appear on top, instead, it appears like a hidden left side bar. I would like to have the menu on top, and have it sticky to the top. How do I solve this? Thank you!


2 Answers
answered 10 years ago

Firstly, you can check in your customize > Navigation.
See the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/6k8n50
Also, our theme does not support sticky post.
If you still face there issue, you can send me username & password of your site (via private answer), I will help you check and resolved it.

replied 10 years ago

It seems it solves by itself when I view it on my mac, but on the phone and tablets, the menu is still a hidden side menu to the right. Then it is weird with two hidden navigation at both sides.

Best regards

dominic Staff
replied 10 years ago

I sent and notified our technical team about this problem. We are checking and make it.

answered 10 years ago

Hi @jingjing, for your request , i must say that the hidden side menu is our feature and it’s not a bug, it’s depend on width of the browser, if it’s too small like ( phone,.. ) i’ll transform to a button at the right side. But if you want to have the nav_menu you can replace this 2 file in assets/css by these files here :


after that you go too sidabar.php and delete

<button class="navbar-toggle nav-main-toggle active">
          <?php if ( $menu_icon == 'no'): ?>
        <?php _e('Menu','dw-timeline') ?>
        <?php else : ?>
            <span class="icon-bar first"></span>
          <span class="icon-bar second"></span>
          <span class="icon-bar third"></span>
      <?php endif ?>

and in line 49 , change the code like this :

<nav class="nav-main navbar-fixed-top <?php echo $class ?>" role="navigation">

However , if you have a long menu ( menu with many item , your page can be broke or mess up if you want that menu on top ).

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