Andrea Ingrassia
asked 10 years ago

I have to resolve two big problems: the first one is about the cover image. I’m using a small size cover image (5MB) but at the first loading the cover image don’t work. So I have to refresh the page to see the cover image. This thing happens on all device. The second problems is about the sidebar on the left side of the page: when the cover image is activated the sidebar icon don’t work in the home page and I cannot show it (logo, social links , about me ecc.). If I am in an other page created by me I can use that icon. I would like to enable in the home page also. 10Q

Andrea Ingrassia
replied 10 years ago

Sorry I understood that the problem about sidebar icon is resolved if I use a static front page but I wanna use “last posts” front page sorry.

2 Answers
Andrea Ingrassia
answered 10 years ago

Sidebar problem was about safari, It’s work well with others browser…I’m trying to fix it now, I don’t know why however.  The problem of the cover image, very very slow to load, remains…I’m waiting for your help. 10Q 

answered 10 years ago

Apologies for the delay in replying to you. To resolve the issue with the cover image on your theme, I think you should use the image size 1000x800px,  or 1600x1050px.
If you use the image size 1600x 1050px, you can add the following code to the Header code (Dashboard > Customize > Custom Code)

.home .banner.cover, .single .banner.cover, .page .banner.cover {
min-height: 1050px;

Hope this helps !

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