[email protected]
asked 5 years ago

I would like to mark the questions that have been answered as “answered” which I can do for some answers but for some reason the others can only be marked as “Resolved” or “Closed”  how can mark all that have been answered as answered?

2 Answers
answered 5 years ago

At the moment, the plugin does not support to mark “answered” for the question as you mentioned here.
The question will auto mark is answered when you submit an answer. 

[email protected]
replied 5 years ago

The question seems to unmark itself if you edit the answer. I have edited several and theyhave all returned to Open status. how do I get those to return to marked as answered?

answered 5 years ago

At the moment, the plugin has supported an option to change the status of the question from the Dashboard > Questions > Edit a Question then you can find the Question metaData box on the right-hand side. However, the “Answered” status does not include in this select box, you need to customize the plugin to add new status for the meta box. 
Please open the /plugins/dw-question-answer-pro/inc/Metaboxes.php file and find the line 19 then add the following code under line 19.

<option <?php selected( $meta, 'answered' ); ?> value="answered"><?php _e( 'Answered','dwqa' ) ?></option>
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